COVID-19 security measures
The staff of the Frantsuzkiy kvartal Hotel takes care of the safety of each guest. That is why we follow the recommendations of the WHO and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to prevent the spread of the epidemic.
Terms of check-in
We ask you to take into account the changes that will arise from November 1. According to Protocol №68 from 28.10.2021 of the Standing Committee on Technogenic and Ecological Safety and Emergencies in Kyiv, the “red” level of epidemic danger of the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 was established from 00:00 on November 1, 2021.
In accordance with Resolution №1236 from 09.12.2020 of the Cabinet of Ministers and Protocol № 66 from 22.10.2021 of the Standing Committee on Technological and Environmental Safety and Emergencies, at the “red” level we will be able to allow guests over 18 years of age only on the basis of one of the documents:
✓ Certificate of vaccination in paper form (validity of which is confirmed by the Unified state web portal of electronic services) or in the “Diya” application.
✓ Negative PCR test result for Covid-19
✓ Express test for coronavirus antigen SARS-CoV-2, which is valid for 72 hours.
Children under 18 are allowed to stay without a PCR test and COVID certificate. All staff of our hotel are vaccinated. We care about the health of all our guests and staff!
We care about your safety
- All hotel staff have a certificate of full vaccination.
- The hotel conducts temperature screening for all employees before the start of the work shift.
- Staff who are found to have a body temperature above 37.2°C or have signs of respiratory illness during screening are not allowed to perform their duties.
- At the entrance to the hotel and in the corridors there are places for hand disinfection with alcohol-containing antiseptics with a concentration of active substance over 60% of isopropyl alcohol and over 70% of ethyl alcohol.
- At the same time, no more than one person per 10 square meters is allowed in the lobby.
- Visitors and hotel guests (outside the room) are only allowed in a respirator or face mask with their nose and mouth covered.
- The hotel administration does not allow the formation of queues in places of possible concentration of visitors.
- Meals at the hotel can be arranged by food delivery to the rooms upon prior reservation.